Starting a Blog with No Experience in India

I started a blog because I did not want to leave my 3-month-old daughter and go to work…

I wanted a passive source of income and NOT going to work was not an option at that time.

Money was a factor to keep me working, the irony being most of that money was given to the daycare

The heartbreaking moment when I collapsed and cried my eyes out was when she called the day care lady mamma…

I had lost that moment for ever and I was going to fight it whether it was through tears or through faith in God…

I launched my first of numerous blogs.

I had absolutely no idea what a blog was, how I could make money, I was just jumping straight in. You guessed it, that blog was a disaster. I eventually did manage to generate recurring income from my blogs and do you know I am still making some residual money each month for all that work I did so many years ago.

Its nothing to brag about, but it is proof that you can make a living blogging.

There was a time I was consistently earning a paycheck every month from my blog ( while I had a corporate job).

Then my blogs disappeared because they were not owned by me, I was using third party platforms like Blogger, WordPress, which decided to take my site down. All the content was mine, nothing was copied, but they never explain themselves.

You just wake up one day and…BOOM.. its all gone.

Starting a Blog with no experience

So if you think starting a blog with no experience is not possible, you are wrong. You do not need any skills to start a blog, you could even start one today. You do need to learn a few skills along the way and trust me, these don’t require a phd.

Is starting a blog worth it

This is totally a philosophical question for me. I literally kick myself and scream out loud at what a fool I was. Why did I procrastinate, why hadn’t I done this earlier?

Starting a Blog can be a life-changer and believe me it can be so addictive. I was so afraid of writing I tried vlogging, but I did not keep up with it.

I was afraid of many things, publicity, the moment people started taking notice, I cut back. I was afraid of the repercussions,I wanted to be anonymous.

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A blog is so easy, you need not put a face if you dont want to. You can write as often or as little as you can.

You can write in your pajamas..

You can decide to take a break..

You can still make money after being soooo lazy… but I call that being creative 🙂

Is starting a Blog Free ?

Yes you can start a blog for FREE using websites like

  • Blogger
  • WordPress
  • Tumblr
  • Medium
  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Pinterest and more

Would I recommend that no and yes…

Well no because I dont want you experiencing the heartbreak I went through… all my blogs taken down overnight.

Yes, because I dont want you to stop yourself from experiencing that excitement, the joy of sharing something to the world and seeing magic happen.

Can you start a blog on Facebook ?

Yes you totally can.Just sign up with Facebook. Create a Page and start posting the heck out of it. Read the terms and conditions of Facebook.They dont want you using their platform for wrong means. They dont allow you phone number and address or website on the facebook page banner image.

So basically yeah, you can totally use facebook and make it big,but make sure you abide by their rules.

One of my Facebook pages is here, but I just use it for sharing stuff, not as a Blog.

Can you start a blog on Instagram?

Yes, you totally can start a Blog on Instagram. There are few limitations when you start a Blog on Instagram. The posts are shorter, there is a word count limit to the posts you make.

Second, you might have to use hashtags to get visibility and have people read your posts.

Third, I find this so frustrating … You cant link out from a post. You can’t link in between your posts. The only external link allowed is in the bio feed above ( that is totally a game changer ).

Can I start a blog anonymously ?

Yes , of course. There are many bloggers who go by nicknames and never ever make their names and photos public. They have a persona and blog under that name. So you can totally do that and go invisible.

This might be an easier way to get started for people who are so worried on getting themselves out there.

Can I start a blog Today ?

This blog of mine is new. I had waited and waited to get started on this one. Yes this blog was started in July 2018 ad as of writing this post we are 3 months old.

See also  How to Start a Mom Blog Today

I wondered if it was worth it? Am I too late to the blogging scene?

I have had many fears just like you.

Here is something you need to know. Starting a Blog late can actually be an advantage. We have the advantage to spy on other bloggers like us, and see whats working for them and whats not.

We can avoid mistakes by watching others.

We can find those golden opportunities which others might not able to see because having been caught up in the whirlwind of blogging, they have forgotten to life their head above the water and gain a fresh perspective.

Your opinion matters….

Your perspective is unique and yes, you can definitely start a Blog whenever you wish. Saturation is obsolete, competition is your best buddy, more competition means more chances of you making money. 🙂

Starting a blog how often to post

This is a stumbling block for many. How often to post? I would say as often as you like. There are many theories out there and all in themselves are correct.

Some say post daily – well this is totally awesome. Posting daily has many benefits. It fine-tunes your writing skills. Initially, I could barely write, like barely scrape together a few words.

Now I can write the whole day if I wanted to.

So what changed?

It is being consistent. Writing daily can become a habit but you need to get started writing as often as you can.

Notice, I mentioned write daily, I did not say publish daily.

Starting a blog how many posts

Don’t do this to yourself…

How many , how often will stop you from starting.

Some gurus say post daily, some say twice a week, some once a week. I cannot keep a schedule, I get sidetracked with life, shiny things, and there are days I just don’t want to do anything.

I am working on a schedule keeping in mind how crazy my days are…

This is something I stick to…

Try to post good posts which are evergreen… ( these get you traffic every month, and it keeps growing month to month).

Try to write often ( if not publish). I research on topics which interest me, do the keyword research and take notes on what I want to write on.

I save article ideas as drafts. So when I have the mood to write, I write ( I dont do keyword research then). If I do not keep drafts I get sidetracked… 🙂

So I try to post twice a week. Some days I feel I can pump out more than one article ( I told ya, I cannot stick to a schedule).

So how many posts should you post?

If you are working on an authority site, you can be a bit more relaxed and post once a week. Select those keywords which are not very competitive and have a decent search volume. You have the time and can overtime rank for bigger keywords which are competitive.

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I have written articles for topics which have 0 search volume but I get traffic daily from these articles.

Also, I noticed because of these articles my website is ranking for hard to rank for keywords.

How starting a blog changed my life

Do I have to…

I started blogging as a compulsion, I was frustrated with the way my vlogs were going, and I wanted to be able to share content quickly.

Vlogging meant being in the right mood, looking presentable and lots of editing.

For a blog I could simply write, and I also started flexing my writing muscle and pushed myself to take this into uncharted territory for me.

Through Blogging I found a creative way to express myself, have managed to bust many self imposed seo myths, have managed to rank my articles in the first 3 pages of Google very often.

This platform has helped me grow as a Blogger and has given direction to my videos as well. So I need to thank Blogging for helping me grow.

Not its your turn. Do you feel you need experience for Blogging? Is there some topic you want covered more indepth?

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This is a part of #startabloginindia series … Happy Blogging ! Read next my Ultimate Guide to Starting a Blog ..

Some more Blogging Articles just for you

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