How to Blog EveryDay

Blogging everyday can be very scary especially for someone who is new to blogging or hates writing. I had many ideas about blogging everyday but it never happened till I started a Blogging Challenge.

How to blog everyday? Research topics you want to write about, have a plan for content and article length, schedule a time and write.

It is easy to outline steps to Blog every day, the tough part is to stick to the plan. That is why I participated in a blogging challenge in which we had to publish 60,000 words in 29 days. I started the challenge late so I had only 27 days or fewer.

I completed the challenge successfully, made a few mistakes and yet I have seen some really great results. Not only will I share how I blog every day consistently, but I also share some resources and my mistakes.

How do you Consistently Blog

The only way to blog consistently is to have a plan. If you can have the support of a blogger or a community it is really worth it.

  • Prioritize Work
  • Set Aside a Distraction Free Time
  • Schedule private and work related stuff
  • Have one place for everything
  • Decide on topics for Post including their length

Prioritize Work

I had to learn to prioritize work. The moment I started off on the Blog Challenge I realized I could not focus.

I was busy putting out fires than focusing on the job at hand. This was because I felt overwhelmed by the prospect of writing. Not only that, the entire world seemed to turn topsy turvy. Sickness in the family, exams for kids, potential move, loss of a family member.

I knew I had to do something…something quick.

So I got out a notepad and wrote down everything I had to do. One of the things to be done was writing, then there were social media tasks, there were administrative tasks.

I made a list of everything related to blog work and admin tasks. I also jotted down household chores, kids classes, everything.

Here is a list of all the Blogging related work I usually did

  • Writing the Blog Post and Publishing it
  • Creating images for the Blog and for various social media
  • Participating in Social Media channels, in my groups ( I owned many)
  • Marketing my Blog – Sharing across various platforms
  • Network with brands, people in my community

Administrative Tasks I had to get done

  • Email/text responses
  • Handling Calls
  • Website updates
  • Editing images
  • Blog Comment Moderation
  • Social Media Participation and Monitoring

When I actually wrote down everything, I quickly realised I was doing too much. The only way to blog daily was to prioritize. The MOST important task for me was to write a Blog post and hit publish.

I also wanted to add one image ( the featured image) to each blog post. Rest all I decided I would do if I had time.

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I simply stopped doing any other tasks and focused on writing. I did a quick check of how my social media was performing and realized I wasn’t having the ROI compared to the mind-numbing effort I was placing.

So I decided on focusing on Writing and Creating a Featured image.

Decide on Blog Topics, how long should your Blog be?

I had signed up for a Blog Course which you can check out here. In this course, they have a unique system of generating blog post ideas.

I have tried many ways of generating blog topics and I will list out a few ways next.

Remember if you have performed a research on your niche, broken it down into major categories you would like to tackle it will make this process streamlined.

This research phase is the key to success.

Spend about one hour ( I took a few hours) to brainstorm ideas for articles.

The articles have to be categorized into different subtopics or categories. You should also identify which will be easy to rank for, which are competitive and a few which are highly competitive.

Brainstorm ideas using

  • Pinterest
  • Google Adwords Keyword Tool
  • Search Strategy

By the end of this task you know what categories you will write about. How many articles per category, what is their competition and the length of each blog post.

The length of the blog post depends on how competitive your search query is. If it has very less competition 1200 words should be enough. For competitive search queries scale up.

You are done with one of the most difficult steps.

Writing is not the tough part. Brainstorming and getting those topics right is the tough part.

I have an article on how to decide on a topic if you are a beginner blogger.

Schedule Everything in your Calendar

I try to schedule everything in my calendar. This includes school appointments, writing, other blog related work.

For some people it works really well if they have a visual calendar of all their appointments.

I jot it down in my diary which has a monthly calendar and then a page for each day.

I jot down major events in the monthly calendar. The detailed tasks go into the daily pages.

Some people prefer applications such as Trello or Google Calendar to keep track of all appointments. If you have Alexa or Google Mini you can have these devices sync your appointments to your Google Calendar.

I tried everything and I love my diary.

Most people tend to separate private and official engagements into separate calendars.

This is great buy unless you are on top of things you can forget stuff very easily.

See also  Learn Blogging

Schedule everything into you calendar ( hopefully in one calendar).

Set Aside a Time for Writing

For me mornings and late nights work best. On school days sometimes I am unable to write in the early hours.

There are lunches to prepare and I need to drop the kids at school… so I write when I can.

The golden hour is usually 3 to 4 am. For me it is 5 am to 6 am. I feel very inspired and motivated to write.

This is a time with fewer distractions. No calls, no visitors, just pure quiet thinking space.

Find a good spot and a chunk of uniterrupted time for yourself.

I have tried the Pomodora Technique and I find that helpful. It is working in 25 minute intervals which includes time for recap, the actual writing and review of your work.

Working in blocks of time lets you focus and with this laser targeted focus you will be surprised at how quickly you can turn out articles.

Keep All Writing Related Things in One Place

This is crucial and I have learnt it the hard way. I had two or three notebooks, applications on my phone and was totally overwhelmed with too much information.

Now I have only one diary.

It is simple easy and I know everything is in there.

  • Topic Ideas
  • Areas I would like to explore with writing
  • Any fires which need to be put off ( hosting or domains expiring)
  • Deadlines
  • Kids Engagements

My computer has a folder for my website. Images, articles, videos go there into this folder.

I create separate folders for images, videos and other media.

My article hit list is ready and I know which article I want to work on that day. Sometimes I brainstorm that article the night before.

When I sit to write I have everything and I am in a distraction free zone.

Writing a Blog Post Daily

My process for writing a blog post is simple. I pick a topic from my hit list of topics. I then spend a few minutes researching the topic.

  • I create a skeletal framework for the article.
  • Fill the meat content in.
  • Perform a quick review.
  • Add in the Featured image ( I compress it and upload)
  • Select the category and hit publish.

It was very difficult for me to stop sharing the article on Social Media.

Previously I would spend many hours on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram sharing the article.

I thought social shares would make the articles rank.

Now I do not waste time on Social Media. I try to write the best content I possibly can. I then publish it and move on to the next.

This is totally against what other Bloggers recommend and tell to do.

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But, I have started noticing traffic and also am earning a teeny weeny income. Some months are good, some nah..

But it works like a charm.

What NOT to do if you Want to Write Daily

I told you I made many mistakes and I am suffering from them. I am grateful that I am generating sales and have a decent traffic to the website.

Yet I could have seen more stellar growth had I NOT made these mistakes.

  • Inconsistent – I took a break. One day was enough to bring all my progress to a standstill. One day turned into 4 months…
  • Did not create the HIT List – I decided I would write on any topic I fancied. This resulted in wasted time, effort and LOTs of frustration.
  • Worked on Multiple Websites – I thought I would write an article on one website one day, the next day I wrote on a totally different website. This delayed my writing and I ended up spending hours on articles.

If you focus on just one website and put in all your effort on ideation and writing, you will find that you can write faster.

Your mind just expands, you will start getting very creative. You will soon be able to get new topics.

After having written 5 to 10 articles, you will be able to tackle tougher topics. You also realize that you know a lot about your niche.

This makes you more confident and eventually, you start writing at amazing speeds.

Benefits of writing Daily Blog Posts

It strengthens your writing muscle. As you write daily you will notice that it becomes a lot easier to quickly write a blog pot.

Initially I used to take a few days to write a small blog post. WRting 300 words seemed a alot.

Nowadays I need to stop writing, else I can go on and on..

I feel that the more you write, the more you understand the topics.

You also get a fair idea of user intent.

What then happens is that you can start focusing on what it is the most important thing the visitor is looking for.

You can also anticipate the next question in their mind and write on that.

This makes your blog more helful as people feel you understand them and their issues.

I have found it a very satisfying experience over time.

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