How to Create A Blog Easy Steps (For Beginners, Make Money) Guide

Creating or making a blog is actually a technical process. It’s a monkey see monkey do kind of thing. Just go through the steps listed below one after the other.

How to create a Blog? Purchase a Domain and Hosting, setup WordPress. Then set up your blog includes resetting your blog and customizing it just for you.

I have my entire process of how to start a blog. Visit the Start a Blog Guide for other blog posts in this series.

Step #1 – Domain

Domain is the name of your blog or website. This is a unique name across the entire internet. Unlike humans no two blogs or websites can have the same names.

There is ONLY one , one

Geeky fact: Internally domain names are converted to numbers. These strings of numbers are known as IP Addresses or Internet Protocols.

*Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are our own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission. Read full privacy policy here.“

Format of a Domain name

  • Domain names include alphanumeric ASCII characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9)
  • You cannot have space in a domain name
  • Domain name characters are case sensitive
  • Hyphens are allowed in a domain name but domain names cannot begin or end with dashes.

Domain names can have different extensions such as .com , .in , .org

If you are targeting people in America or globally I would recommend investing in a .com extension.

If your primary target is India, invest in a .in domain.

Note: People searching on Google are served results from domains related to the country of origin (prioritized over .com domains).

If you search in India for something .in is giving preference over .com

Action Step

  • Go To Bluehost
  • Purchase Hosting ( You will receive 1 year free Hosting and SSL)

Purchase Hosting

How to pick a domain

I always try to keep the following pointers in mind when I pick my domain names

  • The name should be short. I try to stick to two words.
  • I try to have my keyword or niche in the domain name
  • If I want to brand myself then I use my name in the domain name. Mostly I just pick a name which represents my niche.
  • Don’t get domain names with underscores _ in them. These are bad for rankings
  • If your domain name is taken and you really are interested in that domain name, then you can add other words before or after the name. For example 
  • If I really want a domain name and its taken, I look if the name is available with hyphens in between. For example

How to brainstorm a domain name ?

With people grabbing domain names like hotcakes, it can get really tough to find one that is available.

There is a website which simplifies this process.

3. The tool spits out so many unregistered domains

Most of them make no sense, but you get a few ideas and you can either select one or brainstorm a new one yourself. This can be a good starting point when you are feeling you just cannot find a good domain name.

Action Plan

  •  Shortlist 5 domain names
  • Register it at BlueHost

Step #2 – Hosting

For any website whatever you write, images you upload have to be placed somewhere. This is called hosting. Some place hosts your words, your files, your images, documents.

When you have a blog on a free website like Blogger, Facebook or Tumblr you need not worry about hosting. This is handled by the website offering you a place to save your data.

This is the preferred route for creating a website for most bloggers as you need not worry about any technicalities whatsoever.

The problem with FREE hosting is that you are at the mercy of the service provider. Blogger, Facebook, Tumblr can remove your account at any time, without providing any explanation whatsoever.

They own your data and once they delete your account it is next to impossible to retrieve your information back.

This is how I grew my Blog from 0 visitors to 100+ visitors ( and growing) per day.

Qs. How Hosting is Done

Hosting companies have servers on which they rent a space for your files or let you host your files on them.

Servers are computers which have software running on them. These are powerful computers and you pay money to get to save your data on them.

If you were taking the FREE route via Blogger all this is handled by them.

If you want to take control of your data you need to purchase hosting.

Hosting providers have various plans. Typically they have a shared hosting plan and a dedicated hosting plan.

Shared hosting

Shared hosting is where you share space with others. It is akin to paying guest accommodation. Multiple people cohabit in one apartment. In shared hosting, multiple websites share space on one server.


  • It is cheap
  • Great when you are starting out


  • Limited space

Security might be an issue, malware and hacking can be a concern. If one website gets hacked, all the others can be hacked as well as they are residing on the same server.

Dedicated hosting

This is server space just for your website. Only your website is hosted.

Dedicated hosting is hosting dedicated to one organisation or website. 


  • Freedom and Control of services
  • Almost 100% uptime confirmed
  • Quick Response as there is no congestion or competition for usage
  • Secure


  • Expensive

Qs Can I move hosting ?

Yes, we can always move hosting to a better service provider at any point of time. This does require some technical know how. Some hosting providers do provide FREE and paid support for hosting migration.

Qs Where to buy hosting and domain ?

There are many companies available selling hosting packages. I am using Bluehost and am happy with their services. Their customer service is quick and resourceful. There are numerous instances where I was stuck and I used their chat help feature to get a resolution.

To Do:

Step #3 – Install WordPress

Install wordpress on cPanel

To install WordPress using Quick Install on a Shared Server

1. Log into your cPanel.

2. In the Softaculous Apps Installer section, click on the WordPress Icon

3. On this page you will then click the Install Now option:

4. Next, Choose Protocol. Select the http://www. option

5. Using the drop down menu select the WordPress Domain and subdirectory you want to install on.

Example: Do you want your Blog installed at instead of just Then type blog in directory. I install my WordPress at root hence I leave this blank.

By default, it is filled with “wp” delete that.

6. Complete the form that appears with the following details: 

1. For Site Name, enter the name of the website. This is what will appear in the header as the name of your site.

2. For Site Description enter a description of your website. Include keywords or the topic of your website here. This can be edited later on either from WordPress Settings or using a Plugin. So don’t worry too much. This description should be around 155 characters.

2. For Admin Username, enter your preferred username. This is the username you will use to login to your blog. 

3. Your password

4.For Admin Email, enter an email address where you want the admin password emailed to. Make sure this is a working email address.

6. Click Install

7. A progress bar will let you know once the installation is complete.

How to Login to WordPress

Logging in to WordPress is as simple as visiting your WordPress dashboard URL.

Follow these steps to login to your website

1. Visit the WordPress Dashboard URL at:

(where YOURDOMAIN is whatever domain you’ve set up on HostGator)

If you install WordPress to a sub-directory, then it would be:

(where /blog is whatever sub-directory path you’ve installed WordPress to)

2. Login to WordPress with your username and password.

That’s really it, now you know how to login to the WordPress Dashboard where you can install themes, plugins, and write blog posts among other things. 

Step #4 – Setup Blog

Before you start blogging you need to set up WordPress. These are the things we will be setting up in WordPress. It is better if you can follow along. 

Note: You can check my article at how to change wordpress settings manually.

Alternatively, watch videos on youTube. Search for # startabloginIndia on YouTube . Look for videos by the channel name “ Indianmomvlogs

This is how I go about setting up my blog.

Step 1 Reset the blog

All wordpress installations come with default settings. These include a default blog post, default comment and plugins.

Delete Default Stuff

  • Delete default blog post
  • Delete default comment
  • Remove unwanted plugins. I usually remove all plugins accept anti-spam plugin a Akismet plugin.

    Now our blog is at Ground Zero. It is a brand new blog and now we can build on this.

Step 2 Blog Structure

Once you have decided on the block topic we need to now brainstorm the blog structure. 

This is the layout of your blog. This can also be called as your blog framework.

In this step, we are deciding on how we are going to structure the blog what kind of articles are we going to write for this blog and where will those articles fall in the big picture.

In other words, we are categorising our blog post into subcategories. 

Categories are subtopics we are going to write about on our blog.   Once you have picked the main topic of your blog you need to pick subtopics.

See also  How to promote a Blog Post ( Increase Traffic, Get Noticed, Fast) Effectively for Free

I would recommend selecting 4 to 5 subtopics Max.  these are the broad subtopics under which all your articles will be placed.

Let us assume that your blog is about kids clothing.  your blog topic could be as broad as “ kids clothing “   or a sub niche such as “ boy dresses for infants “.

Topic – boy dresses

Sub Topics 

  • Wedding
  • Party
  • Summer
  • Age Group

The subtopics will help you focus on writing good blog post articles.  try to keep them as focused as possible but not too narrow. Keeping this too narrow means that you might not be able to find any content to write about for that particular subtopic. You should be able to write about that subtopic and add fresh content regularly.

As an example let us look at the subtopic age group. In this sub-topic we will be adding articles about boy dresses for different age groups.  some article ideas would be

  • 7 year old clothes
  •  dresses for infants
  •  10 + years boys clothing

So this is how a typical block structure will look like this is also called as siloing your blog. You are creating an outline of a Framework for your  blog.

Creating such an outline has many advantages for you as a blogger and for your audience.

  1. As a blogger  you know exactly what kind of articles to write for your blog
  2.  Keyword research becomes very easy
  3.  Search engines like Google unable to understand the topic of your blog much better
  4.  Search engines will be able to rank your blog easily and probably higher than the rank other blogs.  this is because you have structured your blog very tightly. you are sending the right signals to the search engines which makes them identify your Niche properly.
  5. The visitors are able to understand what your blog is about immediately.
  6.  Since each and every article is categorised clearly and distinctly it makes it easy for the visitors to find the articles easily. This in theorem proving the User experience for your visit your hands this sense of good signal to the search engines and date and to rank your blog higher because users stick on to your website and they like the experience of your website.  remember that to rank in search engines you need to satisfy the users. the better their experience on your website the longer they will stick to your website. this sense a strong signal to search engines that people love your website and they will rank your website higher in the search engine results.

 once you have identified the major subtopics you would be writing about it is time to head over to your blog and update the categories in the blog.

To update the categories visit the wordpress dashboard.  this is located at

Replace blog with your blog name.

On the left-hand side in the dashboard under Posts,  you should see a section called categories.

Click on that to open the categories settings.

Next, we will be creating new categories.

Categories are your sub-topics which we had discussed earlier.  These are the sub-topics under which you will be writing your articles.  So let’s go and create these categories.

  • Name –  enter the sub-topic we had identified.  In our example this for 7-year-old clothes
  •  Slug –  this will form a part of the URL which will be visible to the  search engines. you cannot have face symbols and you cannot have any special characters like and * .  that is why I have replaced the spaces with hyphens. do not put underscore ‘_’ here, as underscore is not search engine friendly and  hence not recommended.
  •  Description –  you may or may not update this section.  this is usually not visible to the search engines.  just describe what is sub topic is about so have written here its for clothing for 7 year old boys.
  •  Now click on add new category
  •  repeat this procedure for all the sub topics we have identified 

Step 3 Change the reading, writing settings.

We will go to the readings and writing section in the dashboard.
We need to set the blog post structure, check all the settings here.

In the plugins section later I will show you another way to set the URL structure. This is much easier and properly done.

Go to the Blog dashboard. For this you need to go to and login

On the left-hand sidebar you will notice something which says “ Settings ”

Click on that.

General Settings

  • Site Title: Add your Website Title
  • Site Tagline: Add a tagline – include your keyword here. 
  • Email Address: Update this email address if you want to. 

Scroll down to update

  • Timezone :  Change timezone to your country
  • Date Format: You can change this to the format you like

I do not update any of this.

Scroll down to update Time Format and when you want the week to start.

I do not update this section.

Writing Settings

This section is for what happens once you publish a post on your blog.

  • Default Post Category – Select a category from your list of categories. This is the category which wordpress will select for you by default. You can always override this on your blog post. If you remember we have created these categories  earlier. 
  • Default Post Format – We will not be updating this. Leave it as Standard. 

The Update Services section can be updated with ping servers. You can leave this as a default or head on over to my website to the following Blog post and you should find a list of ping services I update this with.

Copy and paste those URLs in this section and hit “ Save Changes”.

What this does it, it will update the servers that you have fresh content on your blog. The ping services will be notified of blog updates. The servers will then come and check your post. This means your post will be indexed faster. This is a great way to get some search engine juice.

Reading Settings

When a blog page is loaded into the browser, these are the setting which can change the display.

  • Your homepage displays : You can show either the latest posts or show a static page on your website.
    Once your website grows you can create a page on the Blog and call it say “Start Here”.
    This will be the point of entry into your Blog. On this page you could provide a brief introduction of your blog and point to the various blog posts. This is very helpful for your readers and you can think of it as a guide or a map. Check my Blog post on how to do this [ Video included ]
  • Blog posts show at most – how many posts you want shown. I leave it at default setting.
  • Syndication feeds show the most recent – I leave this at default setting
  • For each article in a feed, show – Select Full text if you want the entire text to be shown. I select Summary, it shows around 50 words snippet and this is helpful in loading a webpage faster.
  • Search Engine Visibility – Ensure that this in unchecked. If you check this, search engines will not come and visit your website. 

Discussion Settings

In this section we set the comment settings, whether we would like to be notified about pingbacks.

I check all boxes 

  • Attempt to notify any blogs linked to from the article – If you link within your article to another website and that website allows pingbacks, then that site will get a notification in their comment section
  • Allow link notifications from other blogs (pingbacks and trackbacks) on new articles – When others link out to your article you will receive notifications
  • Allow people to post comments on new articles – Allow comments on posts
  • Comment author must fill out name and email – I make sure this is checked so that users fill in their details
  • Enable threaded (nested) comments  10 levels deep – I set this to 10 levels deep and make sure it is checked
  • Before a comment appears – Comment must be manually approved – I make sure this is checked as I manually approve every comment. This helps me keep spam in check also , reminds me to reply to comments

When people post a comment on your website they can select an avatar. I set this to gravatar.


In this section we can set the desired image sizes. Personally I don’t mess with these settings.


This section is very important for SEO or Search engine optimization

By default, the first option will be selected ( Plain – ) .

This is not SEO friendly. We want p=123 replaced by our keywords

Example: is better for SEO than

Edit this section and select the option

Custom Structure –


Privacy page is a must for a compliant website. If you want to place adsense, you need to privacy policy page. Create a new Policy page and select it and save it.

Step 4 Theme

The theme for a blog is the look and feel of the blog.  The design does matter and the first few seconds when a visitor lands on our website are the most crucial. 

If the visitor does not like the website whether it be the design or that it has lots of advertisements or it has bright colors they will leave the website.

There are a few concepts that I would like to share with you.

When someone searches for a product or service in Google they will be shown results related to their search term.

If the visitor lands on your website and does not like what they  see and bounces of or and leaves the website immediately… it is not good for your site.

See also  What does a Blogger do?

Google decides that your website is not relevant for that particular keyword and it will rank your website lower in the search rankings.

So for example if you were ranking at position 1 for a particular search term. 

A couple of visitors visit your website and then go back to Google and visit a website which is in position 7.  

Google will in time demote your site and push it lower in rankings and will promote the site which was at position 7 and push it higher in the rankings.

Google believes in providing relevant results that are a close fit to what someone is looking for.  If they receive a signal that your website is not as relevant for a particular keyword, you lose your rankings.

The signal which they have received was that a visitor did not stay on your website and immediately bounced off the website and went to another site. 

The term for this and it is called Pogo sticking. It is like the game kids play with their Pogo stick why you jump on this particular stick from one point to another and back.

One factor which determines whether a visitor will stick to your website is the design of your site we need to focus on on having  a clean and functional theme.

A theme is what provides the design for a website.

It is better if you could have a simple theme which is clean and minimalistic. 

If there is less going on on your website there will be pure distractions. People will be able to grasp the content better and might even visit a few more pages on your website which is good for your site rankings.

There are many paid theme providers but I have always used free themes.

What WordPress theme a site is using?

Sometimes you come across a website and love the look and feel. You can get the same design of the website if you knew what theme they were using ( if it is a wordpress site).

The simplest method to select a wordpress theme  is to look at your competitors websites. Here is one approach in selecting a WordPress theme for your website.

  • Search your main topic on Google
  •  Take a look at the top websites ( usually the ones on the first page )
  •  Pick a website whose theme you really like
  •  If this website is using WordPress we can easily figure out what theme they are using.  Sometimes you can find this information by looking at the footer of the website. If you cannot find any information there,  you can also look at the HTML code of the website. If you do not know how to do this, there is another way to know what theme a WordPress site is using.  
  • Visit 
  • Enter your competitors website URL

It will display  what Theme the website is using, what plugins are being used. If you want you can either purchase that particular team if it’s affecting or you can install the free theme.

Which WordPress theme to choose? 

A WordPress theme can literally make or break your website. The first few seconds when the visitor lands on your website are very crucial.  To enhance User experience and for better search engine rankings here are a few points to keep in mind when selecting a theme.

  • Appearance – The theme should look good and be visually appealing.   research your Niche or topic and look at the various websites in your niche. As you visit at least 10 websites you will begin to notice that most websites will have a particular color scheme and layout. make a mental note of what other websites are using.  It is best to use similar looking layout as people who are visiting such websites are used to that particular design and they would like or trust another website which has a similar look and feel.
  •  Responsive –  Google has stated that this is one of the criteria which they use for ranking a website. Responsive means how the website looks the same across different devices such as the desktop, laptop, smartphone, iphone. Select themes which are responsive, it will be mentioned in the theme features. I had once installed a theme on one of my blogs and signed up with Google Webmaster. I received a warning in Google Webmaster that the theme wasnt responsive. I immediately changed the theme. This is an important thing to keep in mind while selecting a theme.
  • Font Selection – Font size and type is very important for user experience. Selecting clean easy to read fonts is a must. Pick a theme with good fonts in use. Fancy fonts and small fonts are very difficult to read and should be avoided. My present theme is a FREE theme and I did not like the default fonts. So I edited the Stylesheet and updated the Font Family and size. If you are family with Stylesheets you can update the stylesheet. WordPress makes it very easy to update the Stylesheet to match a style you love and like. I will be showing you how to do that soon.
  • Colour – I never paid much attention to this for my Blog but once I started updating the colour scheme on my blog, I have noticed a dramatic increase in visitors and the number of blog posts they interacted with on my website. This was my strategy for picking a good colour scheme for my Blog. I just checked which colours most of the bloggers in my niche were using on their blogs and picked a few which resonated for me. Stick to 2 or 3 primary colours for your blog. These are your branded colours and they will represent your Blog. 

There are many Paid themes available in the market which you can purchase. Paid themes are light, they load quickly and come with lots of features in built. It is a good idea to invest in a paid theme.

While selecting a theme just look at the sample websites using that theme, so that you know what you are purchasing.

How to install free themes and make them look paid

I am using free themes. Here is is my step by step process on how I do that.

Search on wordpress for a theme you like. I look for clean, themes which have white background. Install and activate the theme.

Now visit any website whose theme you like.

Usually I like the fonts and colours of the website. To make my theme look theirs I need to copy and paste the code in my website.

This is not a step for newbies, you need to understand a bit of coding.

The look and feel of a website is usually generated using something called a stylesheets. For this we need to update something called css This will update the style or look and feel of a website.

So after I install my theme, I find a website I like.

Go to their website and right click. You should see an option called inspect . You will find this is the Chrome browser.

Basically we are inspecting the code of the website and we will copy the style.

In thi example I like the font size

You copy the font size and now you need to update your stylesheet.

For this you need to customise your theme.

So go to Appearance – Customise in your dashboard ( wp-admin )

Go to the Additional CSS section

Whatever you add here will update the style of your website. The beauty of it is that you can view the changes real time. 

So you make the changes and then see how it looks. If you like the design then you can update the theme, by publishing the change.

In this example I have changed the font style and font size. People love bigger fonts and this particular font type in my niche

So this is how you can make changes to your stylesheet easily to match any site you fancy

Step #5 – Add Important Pages

There are some pages which Bloggers are required to have on their website. Adsense will not even approve your Blog if you do not have an About Page. People want to know if their data is being tracked, what information is being taken from them.

Having these pages on your website will ensure tht you are abiding by the guidelines.

About Page

In this page we talk about the website, about you the blog owner. Here are some things which can be included in the About page.

  • People behind the website – About you and your team. 
  • Purpose 
  • Mission
  • Values
  • What users can expect from the blog
  • Build trust – strangely when we open up our lives to people, they start trusting us more. Share as much information as you can to build trust.
  • Showcase your best pages – You can showcase your best pages on this page.

Contact Page

Blog Readers, Advertisers, Potential Business Partners would like to contact you. Make it easier for them to reach you. They might be interested in one or all of the following things

  • Send you a message
  • Learn how to connect with you. Share your
    • email address
    • location map – Google Map of your location
    • Social media profiles

Disclaimer Page

If you make money from your website, you are required to have a Disclaimer page. Some ways you could be making money are banner ads and affiliate products.

Privacy Policy

Inform users about data to be collected. This is an important page as it informs visitors how you and third parties might use their data.

Google Adsense requires you to add a privacy policy page

Terms and Service page

If you run an online store or offer services, then you need this page. It is kind of a legal document explaining what the terms are. This page limits liability in case of misuse of information and services.

Make sure that you have these pages added to your website. Just visit any web sites pages to understand how you can make yours.

See also  How to RANK YouTube Videos on Google FIRST page

Step #6 – Install Plugins

Website speed is one of the ranking factors, a slow site can potentially affect your rankings. If you have lots of code, lots of plugins and styles on the website, it can slow your website.

It is recommended to install as few plugins as possible. If you are purchasing a theme, probably it comes with its own plugins. 

You might not have to install any new plugins.

Here are the few plugins I use and recommend.

All in One SEO Pack

This plugin is a great help if you want to make your website SEO friendly. Some of the things which I use this plugin for:

  • Set URL structure – This is set by default by the plugin
  • Webmaster Verification – Verify Google and Bing Webmasters. Perform pinterest verification
  • Set Google Settings – Google Plus Profile can be linked
  • Set Google Analytics code for tracking

This plugin can replace many plugins and simplify our work.

Another alternative to this plugin is the Yoast SEO plugin. Many bloggers use the Yoast plugin, which has similar features. I prefer the All in One SEO Pack.

Google Analytics Plugin

I am setting the Google Analytics tracking code using the All in One SEO pack. Hence I have not used any separate plugin for Google Analytics. If you are not using using Al in One SEO , you can search for any Google Analytics plugin and install that on your blog.

Social Share plugin

Search engines rely on how many people share your website across social media. Though they deny this to be a ranking signal, I find that if my webpages get shared I tend to rank faster and higher.

In order to make it easier for your readers to share your awesome content, install a social sharing plugin.

I am using Social Warfare at present as a social share plugin. This plugin has really neat features for bloggers.

You can add the Click to Tweet Feature to your post.

You can add social sharing buttons with counts above, below and to the side of posts and pages. This makes sharing to any network easy. While sharing to Twitter it adds my twitter handle to the tweet.

Once I share a tweet it adds the featured image to my tweet which looks so nice.

WPForms Lite

This plugin a lite form which can be used as a contact form.

These are the plugins I am using and recommend. Remember keep plugins to a minimum. The more plugins we have the more slow the website will become.

Update the plugins regularly. This is important if you want to keep your website from breaking and if you want the website safe from hackers.

Step #7 – Sidebar & Widgets

You can add forms, your recent posts, images, videos, advertisements to the sidebar using widgets.

To add or edit widgets login to your dashboard at

Scroll down till you locate Appearance. 

Click on that and select Widgets.

Add Widgets to Sidebar

Just drag and add the available widgets to sidebar.

I usually add the following widgets into the sidebar

  • Recent Posts
  • Videos 
  • RSS feed
  • Newsletter signup form

Play around with the widgets. Add few widgets only.

Step #8 – Google Analytics

Tracking a websites visitors is very important as it helps us understand whether people are visiting our Blog. Tracking also helps us understand among other things

  • How people are visiting our website
  • From where are they coming to our website
  • What do they do on our website
  • Did they watch a video
  • Did they download our FREE ebook
  • How long have they been on our website?
  • Did they find what they were looking for?
  • Were the users disappointed with the website?
  • Which topics interest them more?

These are just a few questions which can be answered by looking at tracking data.

You could potentially come up with numerous questions and with a little creativity and coding skills figure out answers to all the questions you might have.

How google analytics helps ?

As a Blogger it would be of great help if we could understand our visitors better.

  • What topics do these visitors like?
  • Where are they finding your website?
  • Which social media platform is the best to use to target your visitors?
  • What products can you sell them?

So can you do all this tracking for free?

Yes, you absolutely can. We will be using a free tool from Google called Google Analytics. 

Do I need to know coding?

No, I will show you step by step how to setup Google Analytics and how to install that code for FREE. It is just a matter of copy and paste.

Can google analytics track social media ?

Yes, it definitely can. Some social media networks do not show up in Google Analytics. Previously Instagram couldn’t be tracked. To be able to track we had to add additional code. So if you do not see your social media in the Google Analytics, that could mean you need to setup additional parameters to track

How google analytics works for website traffic ?

Google Analytics helps you track user visits, how many people visited your website, whether they visited from Facebook or from a forum. It helps you determine the best course of action for your website.

Let’s say that you found that out of the 100 people visiting your website, 30 were interested in wooden baby toys.

How did you find that out? 

Well they could have visited the pages where you are selling or reviewing wooden baby toys more often.

They could have been using the search terms ( aka keywords ) related to wooden baby toys a lot.

What can you do with this data?

  • Create more content for Wooden Baby Toys 
  • Review more wooden baby toys
  • Write articles on how to maintain wooden baby toys
  • Write articles how wooden baby toys help in motor skills and brain development
  • Give away a PDF on the Best Wooden Baby Toys with tips on how to sanitize and use them

You could come up with many such ideas, if and only if you could somehow predict what your visitor wants and luckily you can.

How to setup Google Analytics

Click to read article and check video on How to setup google analytics on my website ( )

To setup Google Analytics you must use a gmail id to create an account on

Once you login into Google Analytics, you will be taken to a dashboard.

Scroll Down and click on “Admin”

You will be taken to the admin section.

Click on “Create Account”

Enter “Account Name”, “Website Name” and “Website URL”.

I have entered the following.

Account Name – indianmomvlogs

Website Name – indianmomvlogs

Website Url – ( without http or https )

Select a category for your website – select the most appropriate category. 

Select the time zone you are in.

And click to get tracking ID.

Once you Click on “Get Tracking Id”, Google asks you to accept two documents.

Read and accept “Google Terms of Service Agreement” and “Additional Terms Applicable to Data Shared with Google”.

Once you accept the Google Agreements, you will be taken to the next screen.

This screen has your tracking id.

The format of the tracking id is always UA-xxxxxxxxx-x

This is your Google Analytics ID.

Where to add google analytics code in wordpress

Install a plugin name “All in one SEO Pack”.  

Note: This plugin is not only for Google Analytics, it is good for configuring your website for SEO.

You can also install any other Google Analytics plugin of your choice. Just make sure it has a good rating and has been updated recently.

Click on “SEO Settings” .

You will be taken to the next screen.

Scroll down to locate the section to enter Google Analytics ID and paste the code you copied from Google Analytics.

Save your changes.

You can watch the video on how to do this here 

We are done with the basic setup of our website. Word of caution, do not spend too much time on this. Yes, there is a learning curve but you need not get everything right in the beginning.

If you are stuck or afraid of the technical stuff like installing Google Analytics code, just skip it for now.

The important part is getting started with posting on our blog.

This post is a part of the #startablog series and first appeared on

Read Next: What to Write in a Blog Post ( Style, Structure) Ultimate Guide

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