Parenting Blogger ( Books, Travel, Blog Post Schedule)

Pragnya Mishra started her blog a while ago and like most blogs, it was dormant for a while. It is interesting how this journey is so common especially among stay at home mom bloggers.

This interview with Pragnya is so much more than just being a blogger. It takes you through starting a blog, selecting blog topics and also on how to charge for sponsored posts.

Parenting Blog Topics – low keyword difficulty

How long have you been Blogging?

I created my free blog for about 2 years but it remained dormant for long. My health took a toll in the same period. I started blogging actively around a year ago and now have my 3 months old self-hosted blog.

Parenting blogs in India, blog topics, sponsored posts and earning a passive income

I blog about [su_highlight background=”#ffff99″]my parenting journey, books we read, the places we travel and my musings [/su_highlight].

I talk about how I am learning parenting, my failures, and comebacks, struggles on raising a curious independent child.

I strongly believe that a child needs a room full of books, ample free play, and nature is the best teacher; it reflects in my blog too.

How did you decide on what to name your blog?

As I started blogging I was in the major role of parenting. The centre of my universe just shifted. Meanwhile, I was never comfortable with sharing my child details as in name on social media. So, my blog had to be about a new life with my child.

I named my blog “Life with my Penguin”. My child was rechristened as Penguin to appear on the world of blogging.

What is your Niche?

My niche will cover a wide spectrum. I am a travel-loving mother who is a bibliophile. Hence my niche, Parenting – Books – Travel.

Why did you decide on the categories you chose?

I write based mostly on experiences, like what worked well for my child or a trip we loved or books I can’t stop talking about.

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I feel the reader will be able to connect with first-hand experiences and stories. I do try my hands on fiction and poetry. Later ones are way different from the former.

How do find topics to write about?

Is it random, keyword research involved?

While Keyword Research is a great way to pull some traffic. I rarely do keyword research beforehand.

Usually, it is a topic in mind with a personal story behind it that starts in a draft. Later point in time I do keyword research to keep my post SEO friendly. One can’t afford to lose connection with readers. Right?

What does your day look like? When do you write?

My day starts early. I wrap up kitchen work before my child wakes up. At times when Penguin has an early morning, he joins me in cooking after breakfast. We head out for an outdoor play, followed by reading sessions and lunch. I write during his nap time. Our evenings are social we go to play. Once he joins a school, our daily routine would change.

What does your publishing schedule look like? Do you publish every day?

How are you able to manage family, blog, work, friends?

I publish at least twice a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays. I want my readers to know that posts are live on these particular days and visit my blog.

I am blessed with a supportive family. Also, little planning keeps me moving. My husband (who appear as Mr. Fabulous in my blog) and I share the household chores. I got domestic help for cleaning. I plan entire week by Sunday including meal, activities for toddler, books to read by toddler and me, blog posts and social media handles.

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Being a stay-at-home person I save lots of time, no travelling you see. I have a small social circle, whom I see around weekends. Most are a call away, always.

How do you promote your blog?

I post at least twice a week. And promoting a post is crucial. How will your audience know about you if you don’t say where are you? It is a tiresome work but worth the effort.

I promote my blog on [su_highlight background=”#ffff99″] social media platforms regularly [/su_highlight] and by connecting with other bloggers. Facebook and Pinterest bring me many visitors.

How much does your Blog earn?

When brands come up with sponsored post they usually expect an honest review or to spread a word about the product or even awareness of why people need it. The price of sponsored posts vary depending upon exposure in social media platforms. 

My [su_highlight background=”#ffff99″] media kit shared with brands [/su_highlight] has prices for

  • one Instagram post and a story
  • one Instagram post
  • one Blog post and promotion on social media
  • one Blog post.

In your opinion how should we fix our rate chart ( for sponsored posts, Social Media Posts etc)

When I started blogging I didn’t know about working with brands. So, when for the first time someone asked if I have a rate card. I felt walking on mines. Yet, I did create one a few months ago. With blogging being such a growing industry, it’s really hard for a lot of us to know what to charge.

Many people don’t want to share.

Bloggers do work, a lot of work. Creating one post can take hours, at times days when it requires research. One has to do a trial, photograph products, and even more. It all takes time and money.

Equipment like computers, cameras, phones, the internet comes at a price. It costs a lot to build and run a website too, so it’s only right that bloggers do charge for their effort.

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Summation of all actual costs should be quoted in the rate card.

How many years does it take to make money?

Do you need a particular number of visits to make money?

It takes a while before you start earning and even a little longer to get more than peanuts. Stats do have an impact but so do content. I scored some sponsored posts earlier based on the subject matter.

At times, my earnings cross thousands but I do have dry periods too.

Contact Pragnya / Life with my Penguin at

This post is a part of Blogger Interviews and first appeared on

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