Montessori Book Business Online

This interview is something I have been waiting for a long time. The young lady we will be speaking with today is home schooled in India. I was so eager to learn more about her and how she started. Her story will definitely inspire you. Her marketing and production costs are minimal because she uses an old age tradition which I had read in history books.

How to sell Montessori books online? Research on the topics, understand the concepts and then create workbooks, educational material yourself or purchase them online. Use social media and your website to market your products.

The education system can be grueling and kill creativity. There are many people who are exploring alternative education and here is a story of a young girl who has been inspired by her grandmother and parents.

Hello all Renuka Mahesh here! I am.basically a management graduate and tourism and hospitality graduate. A Montessorian, Nutritionist, Child educator. I specialise in infancy and child care.

I completed my degree(s) via distance or correspondence online. I am partially homeschooled.

I carry forward my family venture of Explore kids world. We work basically to support flexible learning or alternative approaches to education including hands-on learning.

Our products are Books that support alternative and flexible learning curriculums. We also make utility products for kids. We also cater to a small learning space where we encourage kids to learn through art, play and music.

Why did you get started with this business? How long have you been at it?

My Nani ( maternal grandmother) started this as a part to facilitate kids. Long back in her younger days. From 2002 we started establishing it as proper learning space.

My mom is a teacher by profession, she also took it up keen interest in this venture.

It was around 2002 when we made a point to call up people and do workshops , writeups, visits and started conducting lectures.

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The original comcept comes from my Nani. We kind of started expanding it from 2002

Not to forget my Dad has been the utmost backbone of all who always encouraged them. Eventually, I became a part of this too. Its been 7 years now I am learning and implementing whatever I know. I still have to learn a lot.

What does your daily schedule look like?

No schedule as such. I just do things as it comes along. I have a small team of people. We spend almost 12hrs per day. From facilitating kids to making up the content of books, proofreading. But this is all such fun.

What motivates you to keep working on it? Do you feel like giving up? How do you push through?

Kids! Kida motivate me. Every day they are so excited to learn new things the spark in their eyes is what motivates me.

This is my Life. It is exhausting but whenever I think about my nani and my parents and how much they have worked hard to make this brand, I feel I am not doing enough.

This is what pushes me and motivates me to do more.

How do you balance Family and Business?

I just go with the flow. This works for me. Doing things calmly without getting into panic.

If you were to start again what would you do differently?

Now that I look back, I realise that so little was done online. I would have taken the ideas to Social Media and would have spread the word through social media.

About your Business

Explore kids is a decade old venture which supports homeschooling, alternative flexible learning curriculums, facilitates children, encourages learning ( rather than teaching).

Recently we started awareness campaigns on Chemical free and sustainable living, including topics like Minimalism and Herbal life.

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We also have a small production of books and utility that help in facilating kids.

Do you need any special skills or equipment for such a business?

Reading ( lots of it) and research can help to a great extent. Montessori materials would also be helpful. We make our own materials using a local carpenter. Some things we purchase online.

Raw materials required are procured from various sources. We do have many challenges but in the end it all works for the good.

How do you make time to make the products? So you make them yourself? Can you suggest a course someone can take to learn this ?

Product creation is all about co-ordination and balance, and just going with the flow. I make most of the products myself with some help from others once in a while.

There are many courses but I think first and foremost you require a strong passion. Perform a lot of research on your own and this should b more than enough to get started. It is my belief that knowledge does not require a framework of a Degree.

How did you learn how to brand your products? Packaging etc? Is there a course or institute we can learn this at? How did you learn marketing?

I learned everything from my dad. He taught me so many things, I did not take any courses.

In this journey you learn many things along the way. My father gave insights for marketing and most importantly I had a lot of faith in my products.

My father says “Good things will attract everyone”. This is his mantra.

[su_highlight background=”#fffe99″]
We simply focused on the quality of our products. [/su_highlight]

Do you earn from your business? Do you want to share how much you earn per month? Does it cover your expenses?

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Basically we dont look at this as a business ( may sound modest) but its true!

Whatever little we earn goes to the welfare of our education society (Explore education society).

Our expenses are well covered we work on barter sometimes and that works so well.

How do you price your products? (We are interested in understanding how a person starting in such a business should price her products)

Our products are moderately priced as we belive that since education is important, it should be affordable. It should fit evryones pocket and everyone should be able to afford it.

We do have a minimum amount in mind though. All orders have free shipping.

After having looked at the enormous prices and fee structures of various instituitions we decided to keep our products moderately priced.

What was your initial investment?

Initially, we started with barter. One of our student’s parents owned a service we taught them for free and they worked out for us. It was a great start.

Ongoing expenses simply depends on our production time to time.

Any tips for people getting started with such a business?

Just be who you are. Maintain the best quality you can. Figure out what works best for you. Keep a generalized category that will suit all kids, such as kids with learning disabilities, slowleareners.

Every kid is different and they require different environment to function.

Any other thoughts?

I really wish there is change in system as a whole. We should be encouraging learning than teaching and spoon feeding.

We need to facilitate knowledge than comparing marks, grades and boards and curriculums.

We need to think beyond a concrete framework of seeing ourselves as perfect and trying to fit in.

We need to discover the hidden talents and encourage it.

Renuka Mahesh is available on Instagram at