How to Start your own Freelance Marketing Business

My husband and me have started numerous freelance and local businesses. We have also failed at quite a few.

Failing has helped us learn a lot about starting freelance businesses, starting local businesses and earning an income from them.

How to Start Freelancing with No Experience

Follow our five step process to start freelancing whether you have experience or not.

When we started our freelance business we had almost zero experience with freelancing.

We even did not know how to do the work properly. Our first freelance business required designing skills, some technical Expertise.

We had none of these. I am a marketer with almost zero design skills. But we liked the idea of the freelance work we had brainstormed.

We just needed to figure out how to make it work.

The Process

Here is the basic process from experience. It won’t be found in books or courses.

Eventually you will also start having your own processes for your freelance or local business.

Be clear on what you are offering

One of our freelance business started by fluke. A few people asked us for writing services. We wrote a web copy and created brochure content.

They loved it and that’s how this service started a few years ago ( I think 9 years ago).

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When we started offering writing services as freelancers we did not get clients as we thought we would.

Then we focused first only on web content writing.

As we brought clarity to our freelance work, we were able to streamline our marketing efforts.

We got many clients because they knew us as web content writers. So focus on what you will offer.

Instead of Designing Services, narrow it down to Brochure Design, Instagram Design, Website Design for local businesses.

The more focused you get, the better you can market yourself. Also it makes you look like a professional.

Decide on Rates

Once you decide on what you will be offering it is very important to make both of what you will charge.

This was very difficult for us initially. When you start out as a freelancer you feel very hesitant to charge money.

Irrespective of how much you charge you always feel that is this right amount, should I charge this?

I always felt guilty charging for freelance work and many others feel the same.

You have to start accepting the fact that your time and your expertise is worth money.

You cannot do for free. An interesting story is that when we charged less people took us for granted.

When we offered free services they thought our service had no value.

Whether you like it or not money is equated with value.

Our clients spent money and purchased premium services ( while cribbing that our services were priced high).

The day we started hiking up prices we got more clients.

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So look at what other service providers are charging.

Charge accordingly. As an example we took the average and charged the average price.

So we didn’t charge too less nor did we charge premium prices.

yYu can find the prices what others charge on online sites such as upwork.

We also used to call competitors and ask them how much they charged.

Build up your Portfolio

Start working on your portfolio from day one.

Initially you might have no samples to show. This is okay. Just make a dictionary client and make samples.

Use these as portfolio.

Use Canva, PowerPoint, word doc, Photoshop to design samples.

You can upload these to Google drive, or Dropbox and share.

We share samples via Google Drive.

Ask for Money

There will be clients who will not pay. We have lost so much money like this.

We would provide services, and then the clients either paid them over a long time.

Some never paid. They mentioned loss in business or lack of funds.

This is so common.

Do now we take money upfront. Sometimes it is 30 percent, usually the full money.

Unless you ask for money you will not get it. So ask for the money. It is your right.

Deliver on Time

Quality always helps. Providing feedback on time. Providing timely updates, replying to queries and delivering the final deliverable on time

Make this your mantra.

Good customer service is the mantra for success. Repeat customers and repeat business.

How to Promote Your Freelance Business for Free

I have a separate article on how to promote your business online.

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I have listed all the free ways we used to market freelance and local business.

Some ways to promote your freelance business are in the video below check it out.

MarketPresso 2.0 To Market your Business

Over the years it is my advice to start your own blog to market yourself.

Your blog is a 24*7 salesman. It will keep working for you day and night.

I found this excellent product which you can host on your domain.

Its called MarketPresso watch the video.

Here is my MarketPresso 2.0 Review with Bonus

Check MarketPresso 2.0