How to decide Topic for Blog if I am a Beginner to Blogging?

This is the usual cycle most newbie bloggers go through.

They get excited about starting a blog, they have a topic to share to the world ( could be anything from toddler tips, the the best recipes).

Then they decide they are bored of writing about that topic and decide to write about another topic…

They get started on the new topic, and guess what? Yes, they get bored and write about a third topic.

Finally they are disheartened, wondering what they did wrong and sadly most give up ( before even a month).

This is not uncommon… It is very common… and the good news is, it happens to all of us… phew

How to decide Blog Topic

I wish this was easy… I struggled to narrow down my blog topic for months… ahem… years

Yes the blog you are reading now, is pretty new ( I think we will be 3 months old soon).


I had soooo many blogs… I wrote on them, made a little money, ran after something else, abandoned the previous blog… repeated this cycle again and again…

So eventually I narrowed down a few key areas, I can write about, without feeling bored, without expecting much ( just for the love of these topics).

These were the topics I decided to focus on, and that is how I started this blog.

So, if you are struggling to decide on your Blog topic, here is a quick tip, get started immediately with the idea you have in mind right now.

Over time you can branch out or niche down, depending on well… your mood ( sigh) … things you learn ( much better).

Things to keep in mind

  • Pick a topic you like writing about, researching about and are passionate about
  • Check if there is money in this niche – are their products you can sell, are there google ads when you search in Google?
  • I also double check with myself – [su_highlight background=”#fffe99″]will I write on this topic EVEN IF I dont make money[/su_highlight]?

I have shortlisted a couple of Topics from my Blog and then I had to make the hard decision, which one topic I can get started on today?

I also saw many bloggers having a very very narrow niche for eg: hair solutions for girls with curly hair. Yes I have read such a blog and all it talks about is curly hair, thats all. To be honest I cant do that, for one I will get very very bored, second I dont think I can write about such a narrow topic for tooo long, before running out of ideas.

See also  How to Start a Mom Blog Today

Other bloggers go waaayyy too BROAD. I have read blogs which talk about mommying, beauty, cleaning. I have actually done that before and realized I cant keep up.

It is very difficult to write onall these topics and rank a blog for all these topics and maintain your sanity.

I was going nuts.

My present blog is about starting a blog in India, with the occasional mommy tips and beauty tips ( I just cant stop myself from doing that). So go choose your topic, take your time but start soon.

How to find blog topic ideas

I love this section, finding topics to blog about.

I love research, I can literally keep finding topics, the whole day … But I never get down to writing … It is actually very easy to come up with topic ideas.

Here are some Blog research tools which you can check out. I have made a video walking you through my most favorite way of finding a blog topic, so watch it to the end 😉

Blog Topic Research Tools

  1. Portent’s Content Idea Generator
  2. Contentrow Linkbait Generator –
  3. InboundNow Blog Title Idea Generator –
  4. Blog Ideas Generator from Hubspot –
  5. The Blog Post Ideas Generator –
  6. Buzz Sumo
  7. Twitter (users, hashtags, phrases)
  8. Google Search Trends
  9. YouTube Trends
  10. Reddit (front page)
  11. Google News
  12. Rad URLs (top trending on Facebook & Twitter)
  13. All Things Now (top trending on Facebook)
  14. Hacker News (front page)
  15. LinkedIn Pulse (top shared content in the last 24hrs w/ view count)
  16. Digg
  17. (latest research)
  18. YouGov

You could also take a look at trending topics on

  1. Twitter
  2. Google Search
  3. Youtube
  4. Google News (UK & US topic related news)
  5. Hacker News (top performing topic related articles)
  6. Reddit (top)
  7. Digg (top)
  8. YouTube (most viewed topic related videos)
  10. Yougov
  12. Google Scholar
  13. How Stuff Works
  14. Yahoo Answers (most answered)

These are so many resources to get Blog topic ideas, just use one or two which speak to you and get started on researching topics.

What is the best blog topic ?

There isn’t one best fits all topic … Just scroll back up and look at how I choose my topic. It needs to be something I can write about and not feel bored AND it has to make me money.

See also  Starting a Blog with No Experience in India

Keyword Research for Blog Posts

Quick videos on how to perform keyword research and Blog Topics of Interest

Once you watch these videos, check these blog post ideas which you can use today.

How to do Keyword Research for Blog Posts

No Tools Required

How to Research Blog Topics

( 3 Steps) Keyword Research Blog Topics

This is a part of #startabloginindia series … Happy Blogging !

Best Blog Topics for Beginners

You’ve got a great idea for a blog, but don’t know where to start. We’ll help you figure out what kind of content works best for your audience.

Blogging is an excellent way to share your ideas, knowledge, and opinions with others. But before you begin, there are several things you should consider.

How to Choose a Topic That’s Right For You.

There are two main reasons people choose to write blogs: They want to build their personal brand and/or they want to make money online. If you’re writing a blog because you want to build your personal brand, then you need to think carefully about how much time you want to spend blogging. It takes a lot of effort to maintain a successful blog, so you might not want to commit yourself to doing it full-time unless you really enjoy it. On the other hand, if you’re writing a blog to make money online, then you need to focus on creating high quality content that will attract readers.

The first thing you should consider when choosing a topic for your blog is whether you want to create a general blog or a niche blog. A general blog covers a wide range of subjects, while a niche blog focuses on one specific subject area. Niche blogs tend to be more popular than general blogs, since there are fewer competitors in the same field. However, if you decide to go with a general blog, you’ll need to find something that interests you enough to keep you motivated to write consistently.

If you’re looking to start a new blog, you might be wondering what kind of blog you should choose.

There are two main types of blogs: general blogs and niche blogs. General blogs cover a broad range of topics, such as travel, health, parenting, pets, and cooking.

On the other hand, niche blogs focus on a single subject, such as fashion, beauty, home decorating, or sports. Although both types of blogs can be successful, niche blogs tend to be more profitable because there aren’t many people writing about the same topic.

When choosing a topic for your blog, consider whether you want to write about something you already know a lot about or if you’d rather learn something new. If you’re interested in learning something new, try starting a blog about a specific hobby or interest. For example, if you love baking, you could create a blog called “Baking Tips.” Or, if you enjoy reading books, you could start a blog called “Book Reviews.”

See also  Parenting Blogs ( How to Start, Write, Monetize): Complete Guide for Parenting Bloggers

The first step in deciding what type of content you’ll be writing about is determining what kind of audience you want to reach. Do you want to target people who share your interests? Or would you prefer to write about things that interest others? If you decide to focus on a particular subject, you might want to choose a niche. Niche blogs tend to get higher search engine rankings than general blogs because they cater to a specific group of readers.

When choosing a topic, think about whether you’d enjoy writing about it. If you’re passionate about something, chances are you’ll find yourself excited to talk about it. And if you’re interested in learning more about a certain topic, there are plenty of resources available online.

There are many different ways to choose a topic for your blog. One option is to write about what you know. Another is to pick a subject that interests you. Yet another is to look at what other bloggers are doing. The key is to choose a topic that you would be excited to share with others.

When choosing a topic for your blog, there are several things to consider. First, think about what you already know. If you’re passionate about something, chances are you’ll find yourself writing about it frequently. Second, if you’re interested in a particular hobby, you might want to explore it further. Third, if you see a trend among other bloggers, you could try to create content around that trend. Finally, if you’re looking for inspiration, check out blogs written by people who are successful in their niche.

There are many different ways to choose a topic for your blog. The first step is to decide whether you want to write about a specific subject or simply share information about a certain interest. If you’re passionate enough about a particular topic, you might be able to come up with ideas for posts every day. However, if you’re not sure where to start, you might want to look at some popular blogs in your industry. These sites often feature articles about trends, products, and services. Once you’ve found a few blogs that appeal to you, read them regularly to get inspired.