6 Habits that Changed My Life

6 Easy Habits to Change your Life

These are tried and tested methods which I have learnt over the years which now I have incorporated into my morning routine. Somedays I get them done at night, but I try to stick to them the best I can because not only does it help me retain my sanity but also grounds me for the day.

Before we get into these 6 Habits that changed my life, let me tell you how I made them. I was finding myself feeling as though I always had no energy. As though I was drained out. Routine chores became something I did not look forward to hence I started delaying getting out of bed. This delayed everything … There were lunch boxes to be packed, cleaning to be done, clothes to be washed, cooking…but I didn’t feel motivated.

I was having a feeling of apathy, I just didn’t feel I could even get started with the day.

The more I started delaying things, the more it got out of hand. Things started piling up, there was backlog in laundry, cleaning, general housekeeping.

That was my wake-up call. I needed to get things back in order otherwise the whole house would go off track. There is this thing called being an adult, and a trend called “adulting“. We are just grown ups acting as kids. It was time to be an adult.

I started first with something I already knew.

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Habit 1. Meditation

I hated meditation. I was introduced to it at the age of 15 years and all I remember is I never wanted to try it.

For me sitting down, closing my eyes was nerve racking. I always ended up getting migraine and then I would be down for a few days.

I knew meditation had good benefits. I knew meditation had helped my family and friends. I decided this would be familiar territory and something which I can easily start off with.

I tried using the same meditation I was taught as a child but then over time I made up my own. It’s a combination of light therapy and focusing inwards and into the heart.

This is my own meditation and it has this immense calming effect over me. I just felt this immense peace. I felt connected with the Universe.

This was when transformation began and the next step was a natural outcome for me.

Habit 2. Gratitude

There were days I felt sorry for myself. If I let one such thought in, it multiplied. Very soon I felt everything was going wrong and then it would.

That is when I strated with the simple thing which I had never focused on. I didn’t think being grateful would move any mountains. It was simply a wishy washy feeling I thought. Just a feel good thing to do.

Thats when I was challenged to try gratitude for just 30 days or was it 21, I don’t quite remember.

The first few days were the worst. I could never find anything to be grateful about. It was painful to think of even one thing I could be grateful about. Day by day it got easier and easier. I started looking forward to this time of day when I could jot down what I was grateful for.

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I had read somewhere to focus on the small things. Don’t ( only) be grateful for the house you bought, be grateful for the sunshine streaming in through the window, the chirping of the birds, smile of my kids, water in the tap.

At first it felt like nothing was happening but I loved this process so much that I stopped looking for signs it was working.

Things started changing at a rapid phase. Everything was suddenly good. All good was happening.

At this point I stumbled upon the Law of Attraction.

Habit 3. Visualizing

I had been introduced to the Secret. I had watched the documentary, I had read the book, I had heard it mentioned by everyone. It was everywhere but I never understood how to use it in my situation. How do I customize it for me? That’s when years later I was introduced to the LOA.

It is said the master comes when the student is ready.

We met, the book and me which flipped my life around.

Finally!! I understood! I just knew and understood loa and I started manifesting small things, things which you might call coincidence or things which you would think would happen anyways. Insignificant easily ignored manifestations. Then it took on a life of its own, it led to unexpected happenings.

I have started incorporating one aspect of loa into my daily routine.

It’s done wonders for my life, health just about everything.

Habit 4. Prayer

Growing up prayer was appeasing God. The God (s) seemed to get upset, angry, angry and needed to be appeased.

I was terrified.

Till I made friends with God. I have had many

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experiences which cannot be explained. My family has had healings through prayer and this is one opportunity I try not to miss.

Habit 5. Journaling

I could never have thought I could ever journal. I love reading and hate writing. I just couldn’t understand people who maintained diaries.

I used to think I would never know what to jot in one.

A video popped up in my feed about bullet journalling. I liked the concept and researched to find out how it originated.

I have incorporated it into my life with a lot of modifications.

I have different things I do and one of them is a brain dump at the start of the day ( usually).

I just write down everything in my head. It helps clear my head and sets me at peace. This dump is literally everything, from grocery lists, to school matters, to household chores

Once it’s on paprlrr I no longer free and now I am ready for the next phase. It’s called ideating.

I write down all my new ideas, things I am mulling over, things I want to do.

This sets me for the day. I now have a to do list which I can cross out at the end of the day or the next day morning.

Now it’s time to move on to…

Habit 6. Breakfast

Breakfast is very important for me. A good breakfast means I am more productive and can address whatever life has to offer that day.

These were my 6 Habits that changed my Life.

Do you have habits which you live by?

Surrey Mama

6 thoughts on “6 Habits that Changed My Life”

  1. Wow… I felt as if I am reading my story .. Same feelings, same sufferings but the only difference remains that I only think of adopting these principles in my life.. And still struggling to do so… Your article gives me an inspiration.

    • Deepali thanks for your feedback. I also struggle on days,just that the struggle days have reduced a bit

  2. I found this very interesting. I’m really trying hard to be more reflective and grateful in life. I would be interested in hearing more about LOA #thursdayteam

  3. You have started some amazing habits. I was like you with meditation and in some ways I can still be quite reluctant. Instead I do yoga but I really immerse myself in it and I find that helps. Breakfast is a recent discovery for me too, I always thought it was just a metabolism thing that made breakfast so important but it’s so much more. Thank you so much for joining #ThursdayTeam, this was a lovely read x x

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