How to Remove Sun Tan

How to remove Sun Tan

Sun tan is basically skin darkening of excess melanin production. If the outer skin is exfoliated you can reach the lighter skin inside. This gives an illusion of sun tan removal but I would simply call it skin lightening.

Our skin goes through a natural skin renewal process every 28 days. For some it is faster. Usually the tan is on the outer layer of the skin, so when the new skin replaces the old skin, you will lose your tan-if you have not been exposed to sunlight during that time.

So you can exfoliate your skin using different scrubs or using homemade scrubs and facepacks. These usually just remove the outer dead skin that’s all.

Before that, let’s learn …

Why does skin tan

How do Sunscreens help?

How to remove Sun tan from Face Overnight

Use products or natural resources rich in AHA or Alpha Hydroxy Acid which work as natural exfoliators. AHA reduce signs of aging, reduce wrinkle.

to a healthier lifestyle.

If you have dry skin you need natural ingredients with AHA in them. On the other hand if you have oily skin use those products or natural ingredients with BHA beta hydroxy acids in them.

AHA and BHA are mild exfoliants found in citrus fruits, sugar cane. remove dead surface cells. Since AHA is water soluble it is best for sun burns.

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