Can Pinterest be used for Business?

Pinterest can be used for almost any business especially those targeting women. As per statistica 49% users on Pinterest are women.

Do businesses benefit from Pinterest? Yes they do. Pinterest has people who are ready to purchase. They are focused on searching for ideas, to follow brands and companies.

If your company offers services which are targeted to the demographics present on pinterest you can take advantage of this platform.

Statistic: Leading Pinterest usage reasons according to users in the United States as of 3rd quarter 2019 | Statista
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How companies use Pinterest?

Companies have started setting aside a marketing budget for Pinterest. Initially it was only those which were targeted towards women.

Today we find almost all companies maintaining a presence on Pinterest.

Typically this is what companies do to use Pinterest successfully

  • Create a Business Account
  • Create a Pinterest Marketing Strategy
  • Setup Account – Profile
  • Create Boards – As per their strategy
  • Automate using automated software
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