How to become Oriflame Member in India

I became a member of Oriflame – to be specific, I am a consultant or Brand Partner at Oriflame India. I am so excited to share why I took this step and hopefully you can join me on this journey.

Before we get started with my story… please consider the exact steps to get started in my team. We are one of the fastest-growing teams… I did a lot of research before joining this team ( I always do 😉 ) … so will share my why later…

How to join Oriflame in India?

It is pretty straightforward to sign up with Oriflame. Here is a step-by-step process to get started with Oriflame as a Brand Partner under me ( yes its FREE to join 🙂

Any Doubts WhatsApp my Team

Step #1

Go to Oriflame Brand Partner Sign up form by clicking here -> Join my Team!

Step #2

Fill in your Personal Details. These include your name, address, and Mobile number. Please ensure that the details are correct as you will be asked to verify the sign-up.

The address should match your KYC. Even if it is different from the present address.

P.S. Any doubts connect with my team on Whatsapp.

Step #3

Submit your KYC

KYC is “know your customer” and this is asked as you are signing up to be a business partner. I have placed a screenshot of all types of KYC documents Oriflame India accepts as of September 2021.

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Kindly note that requirements can change if you are signing up later. Typically these are the documents that are accepted in India.

Note: If you were signing up as a VIP Customer you don’t require the KYC. We will discuss what a VIP customer is later.


Ensure that your name matches the name in the KYC document. It has to match exactly. So in case, you have more than one word in your middle add that in the last name field.

eg: Latha T P Sample

Enter – First Name – Latha

Enter – Last Name – T P Sample

The name should be exactly as in your KYC document of choice.

When you are submitting the KYC document here is an easy way to submit your KYC

1. Place your document on a white sheet of paper. Below the document write your name, the date, and write [For Oriflame]

2. Now take a photo

3. You need to take a photo of the front and back of kyc document ( make sure you place it on paper with the details as shown in image below it)

4. You can use an app such as Adobe scan
(its free) on your phone to take photos and save as PDF. Submit this Pdf

It is actually very straightforward and free to sign up.

Step #4 Confirm your Account

Add in your password and read and agree to the terms and conditions and hit submit.

Congratulations! 🙂

You’ve done it.

You are a part of Oriflame India and it must have taken you just 10 minutes.

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Hint Hint 😉 If you signed up in my team, please message on WhatsApp – we will set you up with all the training.

Why I started with Oriflame?

If you’ve known me for long you know how passionate I am about finding passive income streams.

This blog is one of those streams and I wanted to add more. The more streams you have, the more secure the monthly income ( or let’s say predictable)

I had tried one similar company ( not Oriflame) and I made some money with the system. But then the products which I used were not very good…

I actually got a rash with their best skin cream. I immediately decided I need to quit. I don’t know if you call it Gods grace or plan, the company shut down its system.

Ahem… you know I shouldn’t mention it but you shouldn’t be cheating people…

Around that time I heard of Oriflame… and guess what…I said … hell no…Not Again…

Fast forward one year and some months… I got introduced to Oriflame by my husband…

He was adamant I take a look…

and I did…

He found a leader for me to join under and I did…

Why Oriflame?

The reason why I signed up under Oriflame is

  1. They have been around for lots of years
  2. Their products have been scientifically researched, tested and … do you know some of the products take upto 24 months to be tested, re-tested and packaged?
  3. They have some of the best active ingredients – these are very good for your skin – they are able to penetrate the different layers of the skin and address root issues
  4. Their wellness line is world acclaimed – I’ve even heard some gossip that celeberities swear by it… I am talking about Hollywood
  5. They have an excellent plan which can help you retire early – If I put in the same effort I put in a job or selling affiliate products or building my site – I can easily retire early, pay off school and college for my kids, buy my husband a car…. yes I am dreaming but they have a system which supports your dreams… my mentor and guide encourages me to dream…
  6. My leader has a great learning system – she provides weekly trainings – has tons of resources from how to sign up to how to make a facebook page, to how to market, how to handle people and a lot more…
  7. If I dont want to prospect I can still earn an income selling products – but of course recruiting will leverage my results…
  8. Did I meantion I love the products?
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What is Oriflame? Who founded it?

Oriflame was founded in 1967 by Bengt Hellsten and brothers – Jonas af Jochnick and Robert af Jochnick (src). It’s a Swedish-Swiss multi-national company.

How to recruit in Oriflame?

We saw how to start an Oriflame business at home. It’s free to join and you must pick a good team.

There are many approaches to recruiting for Oriflame.

  • Sign up Customers for products
  • Share Products, Product reviews online – genuine reviews
  • Contact people you know would be intersted in earning a good income
  • Blogging
  • Running Ads
  • Hosting a Kitty party
  • Organising Meets
  • Local Meets

The Only thing you cannot do are

  • Force people to join
  • Falsify information
  • Share wrong or misleading benefits
  • Sell through shops, online, on e-commerce platforms