How to Start a Blog in 2021 from Scratch

Starting a Blog is very easy in 2020. Technology has simplified, the process is easy to follow and here is a guide or blueprint on How to Start a Blog in 2020 from Scratch.

11 Steps to Start a Blog in 2020

This is my step by step method to start a blog. This has been the same process I followed last year and the year before that.

The method, the core method of starting a blog never changes. It does not matter how many websites like mine you read, the process remains the same.

What changes is technology, a few strategies, maybe how you do keyword research and also how you can connect with your readers.

These are my 11 steps to starting a blog.

  1. Decide on a Topic
  2. Purchase Domain and Hosting or go for a Free Option
  3. Appearance – Install themes to make the blog look pretty and also is friendly for the visitor
  4. Plugins – Add extra functionality using plugins
  5. Setup your website – Permalinks, Comments, Core Pages
  6. Tracking – Set up Google Analytics, Webmaster
  7. Keyword Research – Decide on topics to write on
  8. Silos – Decide on a basic structure for your website
  9. Write Blog Posts ( Reviews, Information, Posts to generate leads)
  10. Add Media – Infographics, Podcasts, Videos
  11. Start Promoting – Let others know

Blogging Platforms

Before we start on the 11 steps I would like to let you know that there are two ways to go about this.

Free Blogging Platforms

I started for free long ago. I used blogger to start my blog. While I still like blogger I would not go the free way any more.

Your blog if you are serious needs to be under your control. Third party free websites give you something free, BUT they can take it away overnight.

You can use free platforms for testing ideas, for a cause, for a personal blog ( but not a business).

If you are still adamant on going free, go to this post on how to start a blog and scroll down ( I have listed 7 plus free sites and what you will get with the free blog).

If you are serious about making money, or branding , please buy your own domain name, and hosting.

A domain is the name of your blog. Hosting is where the files ( posts, images, videos) are stored. It takes space, so you are required to pay a monthly fee for hosting.

Domain you buy for one year and you can renew as you go along.

Here are my two preferred places to purchase domain and hosting. I try to purchase both from one place so that I remember to renew them on time.

I bought hostgator as in India I ca pay in cash or via netbanking. If you are in USA or other countries ( or have a credit card) go for Bluehost.

CompanyDomainHosting 11.99 per yearIncludes free domain for 1 year and SSLCheck it out

Let us start at how to start a blog and cover each of the 11 steps in detail.

I have all the steps in detail on how to create a blog. The topics include the following in depth.

Decide on a Topic

Decide on the topics you want to write about. Remember these are broad topics that you are interested in.
eg: decluttering, organizing, planning

Deciding on a topic is critical to success as a blogger. Once you know wat you want to write about, you can then decide on how to do it efffectively.

Newbie bloggers usually fail this step.

They write about anything and everything. The problem with this is lack of focus.

Why is this important?

When search engines visit your website, they want to place your information in a way that they can show your website if someone is looking for somethings which fits your topics.

Big Problem

They have no clue what your site is about. One post you wrote is about your favorite book, the next one is about your pet, the very next is politics.

So here are the steps to stop this confusion and focus.

Step 1: Jot down a few topics which interest you.

Step 2: Will you still be interested in these topics 3 months from now? How about a year from now?

My Story: I had picked a topic and built a website on a topic which I thought was good becuase this was soething women wanted.

I saw posts and blogs about it.

I knew there was big money in it.

The problem was that in 3 months I lost interest. Till date I work on that website reluctantly.

I lost steam.

This topic is not something which i am passionate about. So I am least motivated about writing on this.

Around the same time, I made another website.

When I bought the domain, my husband said… really of all the things you want this niche?

This was something I was passioante about… like crazy about.

I made the website, wrote posts and no one came..

Overtime… around 8 months… this website has exploded.

It is a major earner for me. People think I am an expert in that niche and I always feel humbled and surprised.

Watch the video below to understand how to find topics to write about.

Purchase Domain and Hosting or go for a Free Option

Hurray! We decided on a topic and now it is time to purchase a domain and hosting.

Yes it can be done free using blogger, but I always recommend buying a domain and hosting. It does not cost much and you you are building a business.

I use both Hostgator and Bluehost and you can click on the links below to get huge savings!

CompanyDomainHosting 11.99 per yearIncludes free domain for 1 year and SSLCheck it out


Install themes to make the blog look pretty and also is friendly for the visitor

While appearance does matter, today it is all about the speed of the website. The more responsive your website, the better your rankings. The faster your website loads , better the rankings. It is all about user experience.

Get a theme which is quick and easy to load. Go for wordpress default free themes or use the free version of GeneratePress or use a free theme Astra.

We can always purchase a paid theme later.


Add extra functionality using plugins

While plugins are cool, they also are a backdoor entry for hackers and can slow your website. Be very careful about the plugins you install and try to reduce them to a minimum.

Always update your plugins and delete unused plugins always.

Setup your website

Permalinks, Comments, Core Pages

Congratulations! 🙂 We have made a lot of progress so far. Ket us make sure our website is SEO friendly by updating the permalinks, handling the comments etc.


Set up Google Analytics, Webmaster

Analytics is very important if you want to understand your visitors. Why do you need this?

Many ad companies wil accept you if you have a certain number of visits and visitors from USA.

Sponsors will ask you this data. You can pitch for sponsorship work using this information. So it is super helpful.

  • Track Visitors – age, location
  • Track Visits – How many people visited
  • Track Conversions – How many people downloaded an eBook, watched a video, bought a product

Keyword Research

Decide on topics to write on

Selecting the right keywords can be the difference between making NO money to becoming financially independent.

I recommend a blog course for this, please check out what it contains and especially the section on keyword research.


Decide on a basic structure for your website

I had not understood the concept of silos till recently. Silos add structure to your website and if done correctly can rank your web-pages quickly and really fast.

I have started adding silos in my website and I have noticed higher rankings and better visibility.

Read up on Blog Structure and how you can easily copy my format.


Blog Structure

Find common Topics and make it one main page. Add sub pages under these pages. All sub-pages point to the main page. This makes the main page rank higher in search engines.

Download Free Blog Plan 😉

Free Blog Plan
Grab your Free Blog Plan

Write Blog Posts

( Reviews, Information, Posts to generate leads)

How to Write a Blog

Don’t be like me. I remember I had heard about blogging from my husband and immediately I setup a free website ( and then a paid one).

I was so naive to think that writing a blog was simply putting down your thoughts. While that is true but not entirely true.

Writing a Blog involves a process of keyword research, brainstorming ideas, structuring blog posts and then finally actually writing the blog posts.

Before we start go ahead and download your free blog plan to help you through the process.

How do I write my first blog post?

Once you have followed the steps above, you will have to go your website and login via the admin panel.

So assuming you installed wordpress

  • go to www.yourblogname/wp-admin
  • login using your username and password
  • Click on Posts – Add New

How do you write a good blog?

What is blog example?

This article you are reading is on a blog. There are many types of blog which you can make. I have listed the typed with how popular they are in this article – Types of Blogs that make Money

Add Media

Infographics, Podcasts, Videos

Start Promoting

Let others know

Should you start a blog in 2020?

Yes, if you can commit to blogging and can stick to it for a few years.

Is it too late to start a blog?

Of Course not, it is never too late to start a blog. It does not matter when you start, it matters if you take the leap in faith, start a blog and start using good content strategy to make your blog successful.

Is blogging still profitable in 2020?

Yes it is. This all depends on how much time you are ready to invest in the Blog. It takes time. New blogs will take a bit longer. Once you learn and implement strategies, you will be surprised at how quickly you can turn this into a profitable venture.

When should you give up on your blog?

I would say give yourself at-least 5 years and then decide if this blog is for you or not. If you are not interested in the niche you are in you can either sell the existing blog or convert it into another blog if you can.
Recently due to lockdowns etc industries such as travel, real estate have been hit badly.
Then you can change your blog into something which is more relevant. Dont be in a hurry to give up.

Does anyone still read blogs?

Yes I prefer reading blogs and there are many others just like me who love reading.

Is blogging easy?

Yes blogging is easy if you are willing to learn and be patient. It is difficult if you are looking for a short cut, get rich quick method.

Are blogs still relevant in 2020?

Yes they are. People love to read blogs and they are consumed a lot. Yes there are ways in which you can grab the attention of your readers by adding in podcasts, videos, infographics.
There are many who are always interested in what you have to say.

Why Do Blogs Fail?

If you do not plan and have a strategy in place your blog will fail. Either you will lose interest or be discouraged.
If you are a new blogger follow times tested strategies first.
Understand the process and then try to add in your own flavour.

Is Facebook a blog?

Facebook is not a blog but can be used as a blog. Create a Facebook page and share posts targeted to keywords. Use hashtags such for your niche to get found. Eg: #baby #momblogger