Starting a home-based business is super exciting. Learn how others are starting home-based businesses from home. Learning from others is the best way to grow.
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Akansha is a bubbly young lady, very creative, still studying and already has a personalized gift business. She also markets her family business products online – How to Start a Gift Business from Home
Kausalya just graduated, she started a natural skin care business. The products are handmade, all natural and use her grandma’s secret recipes – Natural Skin Care Instagram

Vishisht Lifestyle was born based of a necessity. Skin issues led to extensive research, product development and the launch of Vishisht Lifestyle.

Amatullah Bhagat is just 23 and she makes a full-time income from home. She makes and sells hijabi pins, hairbows and bracelets. She is lovingly nicknamed “bowcrafter“.

Ayesha aka blimeyslimer is Indias first adult slimer. She sells slimes from home and this is her story.