F.lux vs Windows Night Light

F.lux and Windows Night Light help reduce the stress on the eyes.

They both adjust the colors on your screen. Thiss easens the stress on the eyes.

It also helps us get proper sleep and improve our sleep patterns.

F.lux vs Windows Night Light which is better?

The direct answer is both are good. Some prefer F.lux and support the programmers.

Others like the windows night life.

Pro windows night life people like the fact that it makes the screen go warm ( yet) the screen content is visible.

F.lux they say washes out the screen content when you go warmer as compared to Night life.

Night life warms the screen yet you can still see what’s on the screen clearly.

In night life you might find the cursor bright as compared to F.lux.

F.lux can be configured to work on only some applications.

Nightlife does not allow you to control which applications you want change in color.

If you are a graphic designer or any designer who needs to work with colors, F.lux might be a better option.

F.lux you can configure in such a way that applications such as image editors etc be exempt from color changes

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